By clicking here or on the picture above, you'll read some tips on how to minimize grading while providing more timely student feedback. You'll also save time by batching similar tasks. Finally, you'll decrease the amount of time spent on parent communication by creating easy, maintainable systems that allow you to communicate efficiently.
By clicking here or on the picture above, you'll see my favorite tips for implementing self-care strategies when the going gets rough. It's easy to say you don't have time for self-care, but by forcing yourself to make time for it, you'll actually find you have more time (and energy!) for fitting everything else in. YOU CAN'T POUR FROM AN EMPTY CUP. And if you don't take care of yourself, nobody else will. So from sleep, to eating, to managing time, get yourself clicking on that picture!!!
How does a sick (or mental health) day sound? If you are thinking it involves more work than it's worth, you're doing it wrong. My students don't always learn tons of new stuff when I'm out, but they ARE spending the day doing PRODUCTIVE work. Yours can too. Click the picture above or click here to find out more.
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