I just wanted to let you know that everything in my store will be 20% off on November 30th and December 1st. Get your wish lists ready! This the biggest sale I've had yet! Click the banner below to go to my store and preview the products you want to buy on Monday or Tuesday. Remember to use the code "smile" when you check out!

I don't usually post on Saturdays, but I'm hard at work on some really cool community building tools for you, and I had to let you know! I will have one small freebie for you and one BIG, new product to last you all year long in my store by the next time I post! What could they be!? Well, they are fun, they are games, and they can take as little as 3 minutes or as much as 10 minutes if you really want to stretch it out and get crazy with it when you use it. I can't wait to share it!
This week was short in my classroom, but we had a blast. Wednesday, especially, was fun. We shared our Tom the Turkey stories, played a Native American stick game that built probability skills, created some comics about pilgrims and turkeys during writing. It was a blast! I also totally melted because one of my students made me a superhero identity card. A SUPERHERO. IDENTITY.CARD. WHAT!? I melted into a million puddles!! HOW CUTE IS THIS!?
Congrats to Susan K., the winner of my Thanksgiving giveaway! I may not have the most wildly popular blog (YET!), but I am thankful for all of you, Readers!! I hope everyone is recovering from eating massive amounts of turkey. I, myself, am a vegetarian, so I haven't been extra sleepy due to eating turkey. Instead, I've been making Mr. Word On Third some interesting, new recipes with our leftovers! I'm making turkey taco soup in my slow cooker right now. Are you guys interested in a post about some of my favorite go-to meals? This blog is about all-things-teaching, after all, and teacher SELF-CARE is totally important and relevant in my opinion! Food is fuel for super teachers! Also, what did you snag on Black Friday? Anything catch your eye for Cyber Monday? Comment below to let me know!
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