
It's Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week 2016!

Hi, Teachers!

This week was Blog Hoppin's 2016 Teacher Week. There were a few things I was SUPPOSED to post on Instagram...

But I totally didn't post everything. Because let's be real. I'm exhausted. And so are you if you're a teacher. BUT! I've got some pictures for you to recap my week!

On Monday, I posted a picture of myself.

This is me and Mr. Word On Third. We just got married in July. Tomorrow will be 2 months of living the married life! I would post other pictures of me... but honestly... I usually avoid taking pictures of myself! Ever since I was a kid with braces, I avoided taking pictures (or at least avoided making a serious face in pictures if I couldn't get out of taking one). It's a habit that stuck around. So... since I paid to get these taken, I had to look normal in some of them. If you've been reading a while, you've definitely seen pictures of me making goofy faces.

And for Teaching Tuesday, I should have posted my Monarchs!! I was just too sleepy.

I love teaching anything and all things critters. I raise chicks in the late spring, but when we come back to school, we use the Monarchs to build our class community and get excited about learning. If you are interested in doing this, which you should be, click here to see how to raise them.

As for where I'm working, here's my classroom!! I'm going to be sharing about how I implemented and introduced flexible seating this year in a post in the (very near) future.

As for threads Thursday... let's be real. My summer jam is yoga pants and cute active wear, like popflex! Otherwise I try to pretend to dress like an adult and shop pretty much exclusively at Target. I love Target. Don't get me wrong... there's nothing "un-adult" about Target, but I need some help in the style department. I'll figure it out at some point.

And, when it comes to Friends Friday... I feel weird posting pictures of my friends online without their permission. So, I'm not going to. BUT! I had a great week, and can't wait to see where this year's group decides to go. I have some really nice students. :)

I hope your first week back was spectacular!


  1. Hahaha I love how you keep it real! Honestly I had to use a few old pictures to get all the posts in myself. But regardless, I loved this post! Your flexible seating is such a great idea, and Target is definitely a great place for teacher clothes! We can't get everything from J. Crew on our #teachersalaries. :)

    1. Haha, yes! I am obsessed with Target. I was actually thinking about how nice it would be to shop at J. Crew when I wrote this post! #teachersalaries... AKA #teacherprobs! Haha!

  2. Wow! Your classroom looks great! And congrats on getting married :)
