
Here Are 3 Ways To Start Off Your Year With A Bang!

Hi, Teachers.

Things have been SUPER crazy in my life. My grandma is very, very ill and I am getting married in 12 days. That is a really awful combination. So things are just TOO crazy in my life right now to be a perfect blogger. I'm not going anywhere, but please understand that things are going to be tricky for the next month.

In the meantime, here are 3 things that I want you to think of that you can use to start your next school year off in a really cool way.

1. Try flexible seating.

By clicking the picture above, you'll be taken to my post about how I've used flexible seating in my classroom so far. If you want to dabble in this, but you're not ready for going all-out with yoga balls, standing desks, etc. (due to funds OR feeling overwhelmed), then check this out. These are the most affordable options for teachers who are just starting out.

2. Run Morning Meetings.

These are some activities to get you started. Activities can often be used as brain breaks too, which I love. They get kids moving and thinking. Activities can calm your students down or energize them. 

3. Try raising Monarch butterflies in the classroom.

This is SO much fun. If you can get to a workshop, I definitely recommend it. They are all over the country. The workshops will set you up to know everything you need to know and give you every material you need. They are only $99, but usually you can go for free by applying for a grant right on the website. It's super easy. It's just an application. Check out that post and click the picture above. Isn't my little caterpillar cute?!

So those are 3 posts to get you thinking about 3 things to start off your year with a bang. Which might you try?

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